Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cepheus (Cep)  ·  Contains:  HD206136  ·  HD206897  ·  IC 5134  ·  LBN 497  ·  LDN 1181  ·  LDN 1183  ·  NGC 7129  ·  NGC 7133  ·  NGC 7142  ·  VdB146
NGC 7129, estabrook
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NGC 7129

NGC 7129, estabrook
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NGC 7129



Acquisition details



NGC 7129. I spent a few late summer nights on NGC 7129, a quirky, alluring reflection nebula in Cepheus that only recently came to my attention (along with  open cluster NGC 7142).  It's so hard to capture dust in Bortle 8 skies, but traces I managed here were captured with just a UV/IR filter on three clear and nearly moonless nights. This image combines about 10 hours worth of 2-minute exposures.  I would love to spend some more time on this one to bring out even more of the surrounding dark clouds--and even the faint slice of Ha between the cluster and the nebula--when conditions allow.

(Captured: Askar FRA500, AM5, ASI183MC Pro, Optolong UV/IR Cut Filter. Processed: AstroPixelProcessor, PixInsight, StarXterminator, NoiseXterminator, BlurXterminator, Blanshan/Cranfield Star Reduction Script)
